This relatively small, specialised museum is right next door to the better-known glass-museum - but... read more
This relatively small, specialised museum is right next door to the better-known glass-museum - but... read more
The Hunting Museum of Finland has very good collection of hunting tools. If you are interested in... read more
Nice museum. A lot of things to see. Interesting stuff for kids and for adults also. I recommend it. Everything about hunting. Today and in old days.
We stumbled on this museum. With 6% of the Finnish population registered hunters, hunting is a part of their culture. There was an amazing number of animals and birds on display showing how many are killed each year. It is a pro-hunting museum so it is not something for people who are anti-hunting. It is not my thing but the guns and Finnish hunting displays were interesting as well as the explanations why certain animals need to be culled.
Jaakko Ojanperä's Trophy Collection of exotic animals was a bit much for me. Too many beautiful creatures killed for sport.
There was all kind of different interest`s for ladies too, how ever I`m not interested about hunting or guns aso
This relatively small, specialised museum is right next door to the better-known glass-museum - but certainly worth a visit.
The museum displays the history of hunting in Finland from the dawn of times to modern day. Plenty to see and experience, also children will find the museum interesting.
Pieni mutta erittäin hyvin toteutettu erikoismuseo aivan Suomen lasimuseon naapurissa. Museo esittelee suomalaisen metsästyksen historiaa nykypäiviin asti. Paljon nähtävää ja koettavaa myös lapsille.
My young kids absolutely loved this museum! The interactions was great, and the staff was very helpful and informative. The kids loved the Reindeer/Moose type statues. :)
The Hunting Museum of Finland has very good collection of hunting tools. If you are interested in the history and procedures of hunting in Finland, this might be the museum for you. The collections could be renewed every now and then. The best activities are variouse events which are arranged at museum. For instance "Bird nest building day" is very popular every year. Lot of young people are participating these events.
Thank you for your feedback!
We have started to renew our permanent exhibtions in 2011. The process will last until end of 2015. The first section of new permanent exhibition was opened February 2013. The next phase - the trophy collection - shall be opened in new hall in 23rd of January 2014. Welcome!
P.S. The next bird nest day will be in spring 2015. We are giving a one year brake to all volunteers helping us in organizing the event. Our traditional Winter Fun Day will be in February 2014 as usual!