I stumbled across Beana Laponia’s impressive five stars on trip advisor, got intrigued, and ended up choosing to stay with them based off of their top notch reviews. Their reputation is well deserved.
Off the beaten path, you get an authentic Lapland experience that is personalized and without the gaggle of surrounding tourists. Agree with all reviews Laponia day is a MUST. Don’t worry, they supply all the winter gear you need down to the socks (we would know as our airline lost our luggage) and no experience or athletic ability is necessary.
The Secret of the Reindeer was our other highlight experience. Irene and her husband are like ambassadors, we walked away feeling so much more connected to Lapland, its history, and its people. Later on our trip, a local guide at Arctic SnowHotel commented on how he thought Secret of the Reindeer was the second best experience you could do while visiting Lapland. It’s that meaningful.
You get more than what you pay for here. We will be coming back!