We did a Reindeer tour with Pasquale and his friends on 22-Feb-24. Was fantastic, and I totally recommend it. It was friendly and unhurried, and a really magical and memorable experience in the beautiful countryside. the first thing we noticed on the tour was how well the animals were treated, and the wonderful harmony between the humans and the Reindeer - with each respecting and evidently liking the other. Pasquale gave us a detailed explanation of how the Reindeer live, and the symbiotic relationship between humans and Reindeer, which has thrived for centuries, with each benefitting from the other. Then we had a ride in a Reindeer sleigh, with an obviously happy and friendly Reindeer pulling us along, (the Reindeer chose the pace, and we trotted along very nicely - no controls from the driver - the Reindeer just trot along as they fancy). These are wild reindeer - these aren't domesticated animals - and all Summer, they live completely free and wild, and only in the winter season do they interact with humans; so these are properly wild animals, and yet they are relaxed and comfortable in the presence of humans - that is really really nice to see - and probably that is the most memorable part of the tour. Then after the rides, we all sat in a lovely cosy hut around a roaring natural-wood fire, and drank delicious hot berry-juice, with traditional spicey biscuits - which were really lovely, and we learned more about the history and practices of the Reindeer - and how the humans interact with them and protect them from predators - no hurry, and all super-interesting. After all the questions were done, there was plenty of time to finish off our drinks and snack, and no rush, and we all trotted off and were driven back to the starting point at the end of the tour. Super memorable, and super lovely.
Before the tour, I was a little anxious in case the Reindeer were not nicely treated, but I needn't have worried - it was super-lovely to see how well the humans and animals interacted - if only we could find a way for other species of animals to be so well-treated as these ones. Obviously I am not so naive as to realise that many of the Reindeer will eventually be slaughtered for meat - and I'm a vegetarian, so don't like the idea of that AT ALL - however if you are going to have animals which will eventually become "meat", then this is the way that they should be treated - kindly, nicely, and with respect, and other types of animal-husbandry could really learn lessons from the Finns and how they interact with these beautiful, gentle, and graceful Reindeer.
So if you are thinking of a tour - BOOK WITH THESE GUYS, because it is really lovely. Pasquale is a great ambassador for this company, and the more people select tours with these guys, the more it will help people like Pasquale to work with these graceful and lovely animals !