Our Canterbury travel guide arranged for us to have a short shopping stop here before our flight home from Rovenimi airport. Because we had seen the REAL Santa in his home, we were advised to give the large red building on the right a very wide berth as they advertised a chance to meet a certain person!!! . But that wasn't a problem as there was lots of tourist shops in the Arctic village, they all sold pretty much the same things. But because the place we had stayed had been so remote we hadn't managed to buy any Christmas mementos . At the village there was a good choice of Xmas decor, and obviously lots of soft toys. But we also had the chance to post Xmas cards back to the UK with the Arctic circle postmark direct from the North Pole post office. I had taken cards with us ready just for this..
We only had an hour there, I would have liked a little longer, but we cut it fine for our flight home. The airport is only minutes away. It was lovely to finish off the perfect holiday here, and nothing was ridiculously priced, even for a captive audience